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Climate Emissions & Resilience Planning


The Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program provides funding to states through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce emissions.

The CPRG program includes two phases of funding. Phase I provided $250 million for noncompetitive planning grants, of which states were eligible for $3 million each. Phase II includes $4.6 billion in competitive implementation grants. To be eligible to receive Phase II funding, projects must be included in a climate action plan developed with funding from a Phase I grant. Learn more on EPA's CPRG program page.

Governor Gianforte designated DEQ as the lead agency to receive Montana's planning grant and to facilitate a broad public planning process. The resulting Climate Action Plan will include strategies to reduce emissions and support thriving Montana communities through innovation, not regulation. To develop the plan, DEQ will engage the expertise of other state agencies, local governments, stakeholders, universities, and the public.

Montanans experience a changing climate through record-setting summer heat, longer wildfire seasons, changing snowpack, more frequent drought in some areas and historic flooding in others. The CPRG program will help support Montana-made solutions to the changing climate. 

Key Dates

  • August 2025: Deadline to submit Montana's Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, or CCAP, to EPA.
  • October 2024: EPA tentatively plans to issue Implementation Grant awards.
  • July 22, 2024: EPA announced the selection of Montana's Forest, Community and Working Landscapes Climate Resiliency Project as one of 25 awards nationwide. More details can be found in the Implementation Grants tab below.
  • April 1, 2024 - Deadline to submit CPRG implementation grant applications to EPA.
  • March 1, 2024 - Deadline to submit MT's Priority Climate Action Plan to EPA.
  • February 1-15, 2024: Public comment period on draft list of reduction measures.
  • October 23, 2023 - January 5, 2024: Public comment period on pollution reduction measure suggestions
  • August 8, 2023 - EPA awarded a $3 million CPRG program planning grant to the state of Montana, to be administered by the DEQ.
  • March 29, 2023 - Governor Gianforte submitted Montana's Notice of Intent to Participate in the CPRG program planning phase.


July 22, 2024 - Today, EPA announced the 25 applications selected to receive funding for a diverse range of projects in 30 states at the state, local, and tribal levels. Learn more about the successful applications on EPA's website.

Montana DNRC's application, which sought $49.7 million for the Forest, Community and Working Landscapes Climate Resiliency Project, was one of the 25 selected nationwide. The application was selected to improve the resilience of Montana’s forests, agricultural lands and waterways through innovative, incentive-based projects. Open the Implementation Grants tab below to learn more.


Under the CPRG planning grant, DEQ is beginning the process of developing a Montana Climate Action Plan. The planning grant has three deliverables:

  1. Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) due March 1, 2024
  2. Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) due summer 2025
  3. Status Report due summer 2027

DEQ will use this page to share materials and engagement opportunities related to this project. 

Key Deliverables


Montana's Priority Climate Action Plan - March 2024


Meetings & Materials

List of Publicly Submitted Measures

Meeting details and corresponding documents.
Date Time Location Materials Notes/Recording
Feb. 8, 2024 3:00 p.m.




Meeting Recording

Oct. 23, 2023 3:00 p.m.

DEQ Headquarters and via Zoom



Meeting Recording





Phase II of the CPRG Program includes competitive implementation grants, established to fund a variety of measures outlined in Priority Climate Action Plans (PCAPs) submitted under Phase I. More information about the program is available on EPA's CPRG website.

July 22, 2024 - Today, EPA announced the 25 applications selected to receive funding for a diverse range of projects in 30 states at the state, local, and tribal levels.

Montana DNRC's application, which sought $49.7 million for the Forest, Community and Working Landscapes Climate Resiliency Project, was one of the 25 selected nationwide. The application was selected to improve the resilience of Montana’s forests, agricultural lands and waterways through innovative, incentive-based projects. The grant includes funding for seven measures: 1) forest management and wildfire mitigation, 2) expansion of healthy urban and community forests, 3) mitigation of coal seam fires, 4) reductions in nonpoint source pollution, 5) fertilizer use innovation for improved soil health, 6) ranchland stewardship, and 7) innovation in the cattle and beef industry.

Montana’s Energy Infrastructure and Efficiency Upgrade Project, submitted by DEQ for a $48.9 million implementation grant, was not selected for funding. The application included four separate projects: 1) enhancing energy efficiency in Montana’s schools, 2) converting fleet vehicles to cleaner alternatives, 3) improving the state’s grid technology, and 4) funding energy efficiency audits for the State’s Commercial Property-Assessed Capital Enhancements program. 

As lead agency for the planning grant, DEQ will use the remaining CPRG planning funds to continue to lead conversations about additional projects that could help support Montana-made solutions to the changing climate. While EPA has not announced any future rounds of funding under the CPRG program, this planning work will help prepare innovative project concepts to access other federal funding sources.

In spring 2024, the DEQ and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) submitted two applications for nationally competitive implementation grants to carry out several measures in Montana's PCAP.

State-Level Implementation Grant Application Summary - April 2024